Sub-Regional Groups

The ASPCP has regional groups based in the South-East (London) and North (Manchester-Leeds) that meet periodically to network and share expert practice. If you are a member and interested in attending one of these groups please contact us Below

    This page contains documents regarding ASPCP business

    As an affilliated partner of the RPS the ASPCP is signed up to the following affiliation agreement. This is reviewed annually.

    The following claim form must be used to claim expenses for travelling to meetings relating to committee matters. Rates are as published on the HMRC website. Any other expenses e.g. stationery can also be claimed using this form but must be agreed with the treasurer in advance. Please attach or scan in all receipts before sending to the ASPCP treasurer.

    The Committee has agreed the following terms and conditions relating to sponsorship and hospitality for ASPCP business. Any queries should be directed to the ASPCP Treasurer.